Turbidity Meter
Turbidity Meter

Pramp Automation and Calibration

Category: Laboratory

Product: Turbidity

Sub Product: Turbidity Meter 

The HI88703 Precision Turbidity Benchtop Meter is specially designed for water quality measurements, providing reliable and accurate   eadings, especially in the low turbidity range. The instrument is based on a state-of-the-art optical system which guarantees accurate results, assures long term stability, and minimizes stray light and color interferences. Periodic calibration with the supplied standards compensates for any variations in intensity of the tungsten
lamp. The 25 mm round cuvettes composed of special optical glass guarantee the repeatability of turbidity measurements.

EPA Compliant

The HI88703 meets and exceeds the requirements of EPA and Standard Methods for turbidity measurements. When in EPA mode all turbidity readingsare rounded accordingly to meet
reporting requirements.


• Multiple Turbidity Units of Measure
·· Turbidity can be read as Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU), European Brewing Convention units (EBC), or Nephelos units.


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